Friday, July 30, 2010

30 July – Prize Giving

The week of waiting is finally over. Went for a 45 minute race walk on the beach front before the prize giving. Had a good workout and a shower afterwards at Kingspark Virgin Active, the outfit I had selected to wear to the prize giving was a disaster, it was too big for me, oops. Like wow, I wore it just the other day. So I had to wear what I had worn to work, still looking good anyway, nice little outfit from Queenspark. I have known the entire Challenge that I wasn’t going to win this one but I was happy with that, I decided to take it a little easier this time, yet my percentage loss was higher. Was very pleased when Martina finished in 3rd place. I finished in second position and Saleman in first place, he had fantastic weight losses throughout the challenge and was thrilled for him. I missed the biggest centimetre loss by a half centimetre, but that’s okay, the winner for the “Biggest cm Loser” category had completed the challenge 3 times already and she deserved to win, she had done so well. So in the end we had lots of winners and all the competitors received certificates and shopping vouchers. All my hard work had paid off once again, wow, thank you to everybody who helped make this happen, Carol for your fantastic coaching, A very big thank you. Total lost 12.9 kg and 59.5 cm in 12 weeks.

Since the start of the first challenge in January a total of 27 kgs and 156 cms has been lost.

Friday, July 23, 2010

23 July – Week 12 – Biggest Loser this week

Well today was the last day for the 2nd Weightloss Challenge. How the weeks have flown past, but this challenge seemed to take a lot longer than the previous challenge and yet it was one week shorter because we did not have the Easter weekend break this time. I was very excited to have been the “Biggest Loser” again this week, but I must admit that I did put a lot of effort into this weeks weighloss. Strange that I was the "Biggest Loser" for Week 1 and Week 12. Must because of the beginning enthusiasm and then the last bid to try and get the most out of the final week. The centimetre loss was a little disappointing but nontheless I have lost a total of 59.5 cms during this challenge and 12.9 kgs. I did better than expected in the kg loss, expecially with injuring myself last week with a cartilage injury and was out of action for walking and running, so I concentrated on swimming, low level weights with increased reps, powerplate and static exercises. Only thing is, because the competition is based on percentages and we will not know who is the overall winner is until next Friday at the prizegiving, so with baited breath, we wait yet again! So wish me luck this time and see where I have been placed!

Total weight loss since the beginning of the 1st Challenge in January till now is 25 kgs and 155.5 cms.

Friday, July 16, 2010

16 July – Week 11 – One more week to go!

One more week to go and the 2nd Weight Loss Challenge is over. I have only lost 1 kg this week which brings me down to 80.6 kg. Unfortunately I reached a plateau halfway through the challenge and had to change my exercise routine. I have generally battled with this 2nd challenge and these eleven weeks have definately been a tremendous challenge for me. Looking back, I exercised to my maximum but feel that I could have put more effort into the diet. I am happy with the results so far, to date I have shed another bag of potatoes in weight, but have only reached half the goal that I had set for myself this time. It will be interesting to see how the centimetre loss has gone next week.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

9 July – Week 10

Had a huge disappointment at the Get Fit Challenge this morning, weighed in at 84 kgs with a weight gain of 2.3 kgs. Was devastated, how is that possible. So my strategy today was just to have my shakes, thermogetics tea and go for my normal 10 km run and then hit the sauna for 20 minutes. This afternoon on the promenade I racewalked the 4 kms to Ushaka in 29 min 42 secs and ran back in 28 min 46 secs. PB both ways. Weighed myself at the gym again after all the activity and lost my 2.3 kgs. Weighed in at 81.6, loss of .7 kgs. Yayyy. So I didn’t have to pay a fine this week. Liz, focus for the next 2 weeks. You can do this!

Friday, July 2, 2010

2 July – Week 9

Friday, beach front, soccer and lots of people. Ran to Ushaka in 29 minutes and race walked back in 33 minutes. Had a good weight loss this week. Quite happy with my progress so far. Was the 3rd biggest loser this week. Got three weeks left to go, so this coming week I am starting my extreme Get Fit eating plan and upping my training a notch. So let’s see what happens next week.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

25 June – Week 7

Well, I certainly blew it this week. Gained a whopping point 2 of a kilogram. Now this is really a set back but I knew that I had gone off track on Saturday at the dinner party, I tried to compensate by fitting in 4 extra spinning classes this week. I suppose maybe it did work slightly because my gain could have been much more. Stangely enough I had a gain during the previous challenge on week 7 as well. At last, eventually I have seen the light, when you over-indulge a weight gain should be expected and over months or years the points of a kilogram adds up to 10, 20 or even 30 kilograms in time, in my case 50. I am more than halfway back to normal weight again, but it is taking a hell of a lot of hard work and sweat, I'll get there, I can do this!

Here is an encouraging tip from Losing it! With Jillian Michaels

Overcoming a Setback

It happens — you miss a few workouts and you feel like you've fallen off the weight-loss wagon. It's tempting to mentally slap yourself around, right? (Or head for the fridge.) Before you start, I want to remind you of something: Being hard on yourself is the Old You.

The New You knows how to deal with setbacks and get back on the wagon. And after all, there are no mistakes, just learning experiences. Weight loss is a process — it takes time. You will encounter small failures — everyone does — but every pound you gain can be lost.

And if you miss a workout, it's not the end of the world! Get to the gym the next day and continue to focus on your short-term goals. Just because you made bad choices today doesn't mean you can't start over tomorrow. New day? New beginning. And don't you forget it!